File csv: eventi-culturali


Aus der Zusammenfassung des Datensatzes

Tutti gli eventi pubblicati sul sito istituzionale dell'Ente

Quelle: Eventi culturali

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Zusätzliche Informationen

Feld Wert
Zuletzt aktualisiert 18. März 2024
Erstellt 18. März 2024
Format text/csv
Lizenz License IODL v2.0
can be previewed1
createdVor 3 Monaten
last modifiedVor 3 Monaten
license idLicense IODL v2.0
resource group id14068fb8-19d8-4145-a461-8e63f5d4e966
resource typefile
revision id70952ef2-b455-4383-b0c2-805c89cd7640

Resource Quality

Rating: License not open

About these ratings…

  • Available under an open license.
  • ★★ Available as structured data (eg. Excel instead of a scanned table).
  • ★★★ Uses non-proprietary formats (e.g., CSV instead of Excel).
  • ★★★★ Uses URIs to identify things, so that people can link to it.
  • ★★★★★ Linked to other data to provide context.